This is made of a high resistance semiconductor. If light falling on the device is of high enough frequency, photons absorbed by the semiconductor give bound electrons enough energy to jump into the conduction band. The resulting free electron (and its hole partner) conduct electricity, thereby lowering resistance.
- Miniature open frame package.
- Proxy coated.
- Moisture resistant.
- Spectral response similar to the human eye.
- Camera Exposure Control.
- Auto Slide Focus – dual cell.
- Photocopy Machines – density of toner.
- Colorimetric Test Equipment.
- Magnetometer.
- Electronic Scales – dual cell.
- Automatic Gain Control – modulated light source.
- Automated Rear View Mirror.
- Automatic Headlight Dimmer.
- Night Light Control.
- Oil Burner Flame Out.
- Street Light Control
- Absence / Presence (beam breaker).
- Position Sensor.
Note : Images shown is only for representation. The actual product may vary with the picture shown.
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